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Category : Computer & Peripherals
Product Name : Networking Products ( Complete range)
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Product Specifications
We offer best quality networking products made in Taiwan. NIC 10/100 USD 4.80 ( 1K), 10/100 Switching HUB, 5 Port Ext Power USD 28 ( 200 Pcs) 8 Port Ext Power USD 31 ( 200 Pcs), 8 Port Intl Power USD 45 ( 200 Pcs), 16 Port 100 Pcs USD 85, 24 Port 100 Pcs USD 140. Also Internet gateway, printservers, Modems at attractive prices. Any quanity will be acceptable however, lower the quality higher will be the prices. Warranty : 12 Months.
Product Location : Made In Taiwan
City : Hongkong
Country : Hong Kong
Product Quantity : Any quanity
Product Price : Total order should be at least USD 10,000 on FOB
Payment Terms : TT /LC
Product Packing : Retail box packing
Company Information
Company Name : Associated GRoup
Contact Person : Khalid Hussain
Company Address : Hong Kong
City : Hong Kong
Country : Hong Kong
Telephone :
Fax :
Other Information

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